Skotta säkert - English - Web-based training with self-study

Language: English

This is a web-based training with self-study, where the participant studies independently. The web-based training consists of a course and concludes with a licensing exam. By completing the web-based training and passing the exam, the course participant becomes a licensed roof shoveler.


The course "Skotta säkert" is organized by The confederation of Swedish enterprises within sheet metal and ventilation (Plåt & Ventföretagen) in collaboration with the insurance industry. 

Skotta säkert helps you to:

  • Increase security for the general public
  • Create a safer working environment for roof shovellers
  • Establish requirements for more reputable actors in the industry
  • Reduce the number of injuries to individuals, materials, and property

Our web-based training

When you have ordered the web-based training, the participant receives a link to access the training. The training consists of a self-taught course and an exam in the end. The participant has access to the digital course for 30 days.

To pass the exam, the participant may have a maximum of three wrong answers on the exam. Upon passing the exam, the course participant will receive a license card by mail.


  1. Be vigilant when filling in the registration form, as exactly how you fill it out will appear on the course certificate and license card.
  2. When you have ordered the web-based training via the registration form, a booking confirmation will be sent to both the contact person and the course participant(s)
  3. We recommend that the contact person keeps the booking confirmation and cross-checks it when participants have been approved, received their certificate, and when the license card arrives.
  4. The course participant will also receive a course link in their booking confirmation.
  5. If any information provided in the registration form is incorrect, please forward the booking confirmation to and inform us of the errors along with the correct information.
  6. The training consists of a course and an exam, as well as a possible re-examination.
  7. The participant has access to the course for 30 days.
  8. To pass, the participant may have a maximum of three errors on the exam.
  9. After passing the exam, the course participant can directly download their course certificate. A course certificate will also be emailed to the course participant within an hour.
  10. Upon passing the exam, the course participant will also receive a license card by mail.


Member price: 1000 SEK excl. VAT

Non-Member price: 2000 SEK excl. VAT


You have access to the training for 30 days.

You can study the training at your convenience, and it is perfectly fine to complete the different components at various times.


Anyone in need of a Skotta Säkert license

Pris: 1 000 kr exkl. moms

Digital utbildning
Tillgång 30 dagar
Begränsat antal platser
1 000 kr exkl. moms